Category: Uncategorized

  • Magento 2, Login with Google and Keycloak

    Magento 2, Login with Google and Keycloak

    I’ve created a Magento 2 module which allows customers to Register and Sign In using their Google account. This module also works with Keycloak; which is an Open Source Identity Solution. Previously, the only available Magento module for Keycloak was a paid module, created by a group named Wizkunde. My module can be installed for…

  • Magento 2, Add Custom Step to Checkout

    Magento 2, Add Custom Step to Checkout

    There are times when we need to capture some additional information during checkout. Here are some scenarios I’ve implemented in Magento: Magento’s checkout supports these scenarios. As a developer, it’s just a matter of hooking into the code properly. Here is a link to a “starter module” which I have shared on Github: In…

  • DevOps Skills

    DevOps Skills

    I’m extremely familiar with the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache/Nginx, MySql/Maria/Postgres, PHP). If a server breaks, I can find the error message in the log files, and fix it over SSH. I’ve been using Docker and Docker Compose since 2013. I’ve created custom Dockerfiles and docker-compose files to match the environment of the Production server. In…

  • Javascript Skills

    Javascript Skills

    Around 2016, I started learning about building Single Page Applications with Javascript. My project at the time was using Backbone JS ; which is similar to React and Angular. This is a screenshot from one of the SPAs I built . Here’s a look at how it works: The Search Products tab has a few…

  • Magento Experience

    Magento Experience

    I started working with Magento in 2009. I recently renewed my developer certification. Here is a link to my badge. Modules I’ve created Sites I’ve worked on

  • About Me

    About Me

    Hi ! I’m Jesse . I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife and 2 kids. I grew up in Minnesota Yes, the winters are cold. As a kid, if I wasn’t snowboarding, I was playing with Linux and building computers. At the age of 16, I landed a job at a local PC…